Monday, July 12, 2010

Plates Cleaning Project in KDU Penang!

On Friday, 7 people from KDU College Campus Revo gathered to serve the kitchen staff of the KDU cafeteria. This included the leader, Darren Teoh and the teacher advisor, Mr. Yap. Praise God for leaders and lecturers that are so willing-hearted to serve. They indeed deserve the portion of double honour God speaks about in 1 Tim 5:17!

This event was originally planned about two weeks in advance. At that time, we had
gathered for the weekly prayer meeting on Friday morning. God placed an impression on Darren to ask everyone to seek and ask Him on projects that could be carried out together. Among the projects that were brought up that Friday morning after praying and seeking were this one, to help the kitchen staff wash plates in the cafeteria. We are indeed honoured and encouraged on what God has impressed upon us to do. It's been as much a blessing to us as to those we were sent to.

As per usual, the whole event was prayed over and committed to our Loving Father. We
gathered at the cafeteria at 11 a.m. ready to literally dirty our hands. The cafeteria staff had been alerted beforehand and even had some dirty plates and cups for us. Divided into three pairs and one backup cum photographer, we started. Each pair had their own 'stations' in the 3 sinks to wash cups, plates and more plates respectively. It was not a very busy time as the lunch break had not even started. However, it proved to be a blessing as we could strike up conversations with the friendly staff.

Unsurprisingly, most asked the reason behind this labour of God's love. Although the Bible asks us to be prepared in and out season to reply, I must admit I, for one was not ready. Some of us, including me could not even speak fluent Hokkien. However, I can honestly say that this project helped each one of us see them as in a real people with real problems. The staff were very friendly, speaking of everything from the World Cup, the recent tragedy involving one of our college students and the life some of them had to leave behind, as some were from Indonesia. They even offerred us orang juice and lent us aprons.

At the end of the one hour, we adjourned. From the smiles on their face and the smile God is smiling, we ourselves are blessed. Doing this project really places a burden to keep going to make Jesus famous. Praise God!

-Darren Teoh, KDU Campus Revo
Event date: 9th July 2010

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