Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sharing Recess Revo in the land of China!

Just a week ago, Pragas and Wilson had the chance to share about Recess Revo in China. They were ministering in a youth camp and they managed to get a session to share about Recess Revo to around 50 campers consisting of youths, church leaders, parents and teachers. This camp was organized by 3 churches from 3 different churches and we thank God for this great opportunity to even bring Recess Revo to China.

Most of the youths are from 14-18 and we challenged them to impact their schools. However, it was not something easy for them because they do not have recess time in their respective schools because the school is located in the village and the students are allowed to go back to their nearby home during their break time before coming back to school for classes again.
There are also a big percentage of students who are studying in a boarding school and the timetable is packed for the whole day. They study from 7am to 11am, and then a break until 1pm before they continue their class until 6pm. It was still not over as they still have night classes from 8pm to 10pm. All their breaks are being used up for their meals and resting because everyday is a very long day for them.
*Students in Malaysia, don't you think you're lucky? =)

We still challenged them that it was a good tool to reach out to their friends and teachers and that they should rise up for to bring a change to their nation through schools. A lot of them agree on that and we pray that they will be able to start Recess Revolution in their schools soon. Imagine the whole of China catching the fire as well. That's one big population who will stand up for Jesus! Let's continue to pray for this bunch of young people that they will be the revolution in China.

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