Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Recess Revo Updates #2

Hey Recess Revo champions! Hope you guys are keeping the fire burning for Jesus!
This week, we have Phor Tay High School which has started a prayer group. Praise God for that because Phor Tay High School is actually a Buddhist school but we have people that are bold and they want to see their school changed for Jesus.
One girl was also saved during the Recess Revo sharing to the students of St.George's Girls' School in McDonalds Greenlane. We don't have to lead people to Christ anymore, it's time to lead Christ to people through the love of God. God is working mightily in this island and we're seeing more young people rising up and making a positive statement in their schools.

It's also great to hear that there are young working adults who have already started what they called Office Revolution. Soon, we pray to see them making a difference in their work place and being the lighthouse for Jesus.
When revival takes place, it's not only the young people who are in the wave but we have other generations coming behind us to support us as well. We are ONE body and ONE family in God's kingdom.

We are also having a special event called Wildfire@RR P.A.R.T.Y happening on the 22nd August at Methodist Boys School from 9am to 12.30 pm. Come together as we share testimonies about Recess Revo and to catch up with what is happening among all the schools in this island. There will be worship, performances, testimonies and a message as well. You wouldn't want to miss this out because it's going to be exciting!
For more info, do contact Pragas @ 012.4888479 or send us an e-mail at recessrevopg@gmail.com
Do respond to the event in Facebook here. See you there!

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