Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Approach a person of influence or a person in authority in your school (Principal, Discipline Teacher, Head Prefect, etc).

The people of influence in your school are in positions to make many decisions which can affect your Recess Revo and ultimately your school as a whole. Approach a person of influence or a person in authority in your school (Principal, Discipline Teacher, Head Prefect, etc). Tell them about RR and about this movement of LOVE. Share with them a list of things that your team plans to do to love your school more. You can even include making CF official as one of the things. Who knows what might happen? :)

Uploaded Tue, Sep 29, 2009

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Wildfire@RR P.A.R.T.Y highlight video

Wildfire Party highlight video is finally out. Re-EVOLve crew would like to thank Kee Sitt for recording the whole event and Victor for editing the video. For now, enjoy this video! We are the REVOLUTION!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Campus Revo in SEGI Penang!

After meeting up with Miss Lucia a week ago, we finally had the opportunity to share Campus Revo to the Christian Fellowship in SEGI Penang a week later. It was their prayer time and we were given 2 hours to share to them about this movement. The CF is not officially recognized yet but there students who are passionate to see a change in their campus and we had 12 people who turned up on that day. They have been doing weekly prayer in their campus even before we shared to them about this. Besides that, they even have plans to design their own T-shirt although the CF is not official yet. That's called faith!

We run through the slide show with them and shared about what God is doing in Penang and Malaysia. We also shared about Campus Revo in Kuala Lumpur and how God is working in the campuses where a student was healed and that student came to know about Jesus. As we shared to them, we believe that they have caught hold of the vision and we will also be doing Project Mordecai with them to help them to start a Christian Fellowship officially in SEGI Penang.

One big project is already coming up in the end of the year with the Christmas Party that they have been planning to do and we are helping them to organize this event in the campus itself. This will be an open door to let all the students know that there's a Christian Fellowship in the campus. We will be meeting them again soon to start planning for this event and we believe it's gonna bring a change to SEGI Penang. Let the revolution begin!

Event date: Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Recess Revo Updates #7

In this week, we had two open doors to share about Recess Revolution to SMK Hutchings and SEGI Penang. We believed both the school and campus had caught hold of the fire and a change is taking place soon. For SMK Hutchings, it was a history-making day for them as it was their first time having a Christian meeting and we were given the privilege to share about Recess Revo to them.
For SEGI Penang, we first met up with the Christian Fellowship teacher adviser, Miss Lucia to share about Campus Revo. We've seen KDU Penang starting Campus Revo and we pray that more campuses around this island will catch that fire as well. It was a good start for SEGI Penang as their Christian Fellowship has not been recognized and we believe this will help them to get the recognition. We are also doing Project Mordecai with them and helping them to organize an event this coming December. Praise God for this huge open door!

We've seen how God has moved in this island and so many people have come to know about Jesus since this movement began 10 weeks ago. We have 25 salvation in total and they came to know the Lord in many different ways. Some are saved in schools, in McDonald, in basketball court and even more miraculously through chatting on MSN. In the end, it all comes down to the love of God that they had seen. That's REVOLUTION, a change through God's LOVE.
The question is this, are we a true revolutionary or are we just faking it. We can run Recess Revo and do all the things to impact our schools but are we really a revolutionary? We can just be a fake revolutionary which seems to be real in the outside but not so after all in the inside.

We wear T-shirts bearing the sentence "The Revolution Begins With Me". This time, it makes sense because it has to begin with us. We must first change ourselves before we can go out and change the world. If a change does not take place from deep within, we are just fake revolutionary and there can't be a fake revolution because it's main purpose is to bring a change for a better purpose. It isn't just about Show Up, Stand Up and Speak Up in your school. More importantly, it's your faith that matters as long as you are living in this world.
So, does your faith SHOW itself? Does your faith STAND strong? Does your faith SPEAK clearly?
Most of all, is it really revolutionary or just faking it?

Sunday, September 13, 2009

An open door to share at SMK Hutchings

Praise God for an open door to share Recess Revo at SMK Hutchings during the Religious Emphasis Day. It was a history-making day for the school because it was the first time that the Christians in the school were coming together for a Christian meeting and it was a great privilege for us to be there to be able to share Recess Revo to them. We were invited by Leonard, the school head prefect to come and share about this movement to them because he wants to see a revolution taking place in his school as well.

We were told by the teacher adviser, Mr.Lee that there will be around 10 students but praise God we had 21 students who turned up on that day. We started with a short ice-breaker led by Pragas and we shared about Recess Revo to all the students. We were encouraged to see Mr.Lee's support for all the Christian students.
We run through the whole slide show with them and we believe that they had caught hold of the fire. Many of them came and enquire more about this movement after we shared and there were already plans to start Recess Revo even the day after that. Praise God for such a spirit in the students and the teacher advisor.

We also shared Project Mordecai with Mr.Lee and the leaders as they are planning to start a Christian Fellowship in the school. We managed to discuss more about it during a lunch meal with them and we are looking forward to help the CF in the future.

Event date: Thursday, September 10, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Recess Revo Updates #6

Hey heroes of Recess Revo! Just want to say a big thank you once again for all who came for the Wildfire Party on the 22nd August. There are currently plans already to have another one at the end of the year. Will update you all more about that soon once we've got it confirmed.For the past 2 weeks, we've had a big open door to share Recess Revo in a youth camp in China and we pray that they will catch hold of the fire and bring a change to their schools. You can read the previos 2 posts to know more about our Recess Revo sharing in China.
We also had the chance to attend Claming Youths' Destiny organized by NECF, Scripture Union, MCSC and TCF in Canning Garden Methodist Church, Ipoh on the 7th September 2009.This forum was basically for pastors, teachers and youth workers.

It was a good experience and also an eye-opener for us as we saw a generation that have the burden for the future of our generation of youths. We were encouraged with all these people and we appreciate what they are doing. Some even came from Kuala Lumpur, Malacca, Alor Setar, etc just for this forum. Many issues were brought up during the forum and we were glad to know that the organizations are working on some of the issues and trying to solve it. Praise God for that! We were also given a booth so that we can share about Recess Revo and we were the given the opportunity to present Recess Revo to all the pastors, teachers & youth workers. It was just a 5 minutes presentation but we believe they have caught hold of the fire as well.
The Re-EVOLve crew would like to give a big thank you to Indy for supporting us and inviting us for this forum.

The exam season is almost here and we know that many of you all will be busy preparing for your exams but do not let that be a distraction or crowd for your Recess Revo team. You all should still keep doing your prayer groups and pray for each other. Remember, God gave his best so let's give our best as well. That includes in our area of studies too so that we can glorify God's name in our school. You are a light that is shining for God. =)
Here's something just to encourage you all. Don't be discouraged if your prayer group or Recess Revo team is small because when God is on your side, the minority becomes the majority. He always wants us to do small things first before we do big things because if we can't do small things, we can't do big things for God. Continue to keep praying and standing up for God!

Wear a Christian T-shirt to school?

Wear a Christian T-shirt to school?
Gather together on Monday to pray and ask God for a RADICAL IDEA that will stretch your faith and impact lives! We dare you to take up the idea and do it from Tuesday to Friday! It might even be something "RISKY!" An idea: Wear a Christian T-shirt to school (right after school ends or during P.E. period or during Extra Co-curricular Activities, maybe?)

Uploaded Mon, Sep 7, 2009

Sharing Recess Revo in the land of China!

Just a week ago, Pragas and Wilson had the chance to share about Recess Revo in China. They were ministering in a youth camp and they managed to get a session to share about Recess Revo to around 50 campers consisting of youths, church leaders, parents and teachers. This camp was organized by 3 churches from 3 different churches and we thank God for this great opportunity to even bring Recess Revo to China.

Most of the youths are from 14-18 and we challenged them to impact their schools. However, it was not something easy for them because they do not have recess time in their respective schools because the school is located in the village and the students are allowed to go back to their nearby home during their break time before coming back to school for classes again.
There are also a big percentage of students who are studying in a boarding school and the timetable is packed for the whole day. They study from 7am to 11am, and then a break until 1pm before they continue their class until 6pm. It was still not over as they still have night classes from 8pm to 10pm. All their breaks are being used up for their meals and resting because everyday is a very long day for them.
*Students in Malaysia, don't you think you're lucky? =)

We still challenged them that it was a good tool to reach out to their friends and teachers and that they should rise up for to bring a change to their nation through schools. A lot of them agree on that and we pray that they will be able to start Recess Revolution in their schools soon. Imagine the whole of China catching the fire as well. That's one big population who will stand up for Jesus! Let's continue to pray for this bunch of young people that they will be the revolution in China.